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The Pope’s visit to Belgium

October 7, 2024

‘When you think of Belgium, you think of something small and big at the same time.’

Pope Francis (Laeken Castle, 27/09/2024)

From 26 to 29 September 2024, Pope Francis visited Belgium: two and a half incredibly intense days, enriched by activities that sometimes strayed from the official agenda (the surprise visits) and at other times provoked controversy.

‘And if you had to give hope a colour, what would it be?’

It was with this question that I approached the young people on the Pope’s famous Hope Happening Saturday. And you can’t imagine the rainbow that appeared. Why this colour? Because of its softness, its warmth, its purity, the future it opens up, its unpredictability, etc… Really, young people today have a capacity for creativity and beauty… Then you have to paint this and illustrate it with a Bible verse… and finally offer this painted hope to someone in need of hope.

The joy of the young people was imprinted on me. Thank you to Pope Francis for coming all the way here.

Katrin (Boitsfort)

‘The Catholic Church wants to be a presence … that gives hope… The fact that Hope is written with a capital letter makes me think: it tells me that this hope is not something you carry in your rucksack when you travel; no, hope is a gift from God, and it’s something you carry in your heart!’

Pope Francis (Laeken Castle, 27/09/2024)

A couple of impressions. At the meeting in Koekelberg with pastoral workers (bishops, priests, deacons, pastoral animators, teachers, chaplains of all kinds and members of the consecrated life), I was heartened by the questions asked by six people (a priest, a woman who looks after victims of sexual abuse, a young woman, a theologian, a nun and a prison chaplain) and by the answers proposed by the Pope. It was good to feel in tune with my Church!

What a crowd on Sunday! So many people of different ages, nations, languages and cultures, gathered together because of God, gathered around a servant from elsewhere, happy to be together and to celebrate him. A little foretaste of heaven!

A couple of impressions. At the meeting in Koekelberg with pastoral workers (bishops, priests, deacons, pastoral animators, teachers, chaplains of all kinds and members of the consecrated life), I was heartened by the questions asked by six people (a priest, a woman who looks after victims of sexual abuse, a young woman, a theologian, a nun and a prison chaplain) and by the answers proposed by the Pope. It was good to feel in tune with my Church!Miriam of Christ Jesus (Tournai)

What I saw from the TV screen.
The enthusiasm of a multicultural crowd, young and old alike, expressing their joy in a diversity of languages and colours. I was touched by the Pope’s gestures, his warm welcome to everyone, especially children and the vulnerable.

Marcienne (Boitsfort)





Sr Cristeta R.I.P.

Sr Cristeta R.I.P.

The Religious of the Assumption of the Province of Europe...