Fullness of Life
Called by Christ
Loving Our Time
The spirituality of the Assumption is centred on the mystery of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ restoring to human beings their full dignity as children of God. Each person is unique and called to become what God wants them to be and to carry out their mission on earth. Marie-Eugénie’s pedagogy is inspired by the vision of humanity and the world as created in the image of God.
“It is madness not to be what one is as fully as possible.” God doesn’t despise anything created, everything must be restored to its original beauty in Christ. This is why Marie Eugenie says: “For me it is difficult to hear the earth being called a place of exile, I see it as a place of glory for God because it is on this earth that people can give glory to God”.
Marie Eugénie wants to contribute to a radical change in society through education, sharing the values of the Gospel, so that the Kingdom of God may become more visible on earth. A kingdom of justice, peace and beauty.
Education and contemplation
Marie Eugenie emphasised the importance of combining education and contemplation. She said that women consecrated to the mission of education “need, more than anything else, an intense life of contemplation and adoration”. There is a profound unity between contemplation, mission and community life.

“Everything happens at the foot of the Blessed Sacrament.” (St Marie Eugenie’s letter to Fr d’Alzon on 31st July 1856)
Aware of their own weaknesses, the sisters abandon themselves to God’s action, offering to Him all that they say and do, recognising that God has first place. Being rooted in Him leads them to a profound freedom. The prayer of adoration is the source of energy from which every apostolic experience begins.

Community life
Community life is characterised by joy, simplicity and truthfulness. The community is built up by prayer, mutual support and encouragement. The sisters share together apostolic work, as well as times of celebration and relaxation.

Today, the sisters share their mission with lay people in missionary outreach in a wide variety of forms: schools, formation centres, student hostels, spiritual retreats, pastoral ministry and social work. Assumption education is marked by a commitment to justice, peace and ecology. Like Marie Eugénie, they are convinced that each person has a mission on earth and can be a catalyst for transformation and hope.

Transforming Society
Animated by the desire to build a just society, the sisters are committed to ensuring that each person’s dignity is respected and recognised. Through their educational mission, they accompany young people and adults, helping them to grow to their full potential.

Contemplative life
Daily life begins each morning with a time of personal silent prayer, a heart turning towards God, who speaks through the Scriptures. In the psalms and canticles of the Divine Office Christ himself raises a song of praise and supplication for the world. In front of the Blessed Sacrament, the sisters continue to offer to God our world as it is, so that he may transform it. The Eucharist at the heart of the life of the sisters.